Overcome the Loss of Someone – Be Happy Again
If you want to be truly happy in life, you will have to master the art of letting go. And since you don’t have a choice actually, the sooner the better. Letting go of people who are important to us, can be particularly challenging. If you are in the midst of...
Stop Fighting with your Partner
If you are sick and tired of arguing and fighting with your loved one this blog is for you. I’ll just call it “fighting” when one person says something that hurts the other, and then the other says something back to either defend themselves or to retaliate. After a...
The Real Reason your Golf Game Isn’t Improving
I am not a golfer, but from what I can tell getting that little dimpled ball to go into that hole in the ground is a big deal for a lot of people. Being that my entire business is based on helping people get what they want, it wasn’t long before putting enthusiasts...
Begin Again and Continue Your Effort in Tough Times
A lady came to see me because she couldn’t sustain efforts to keep her body in shape. She actually only was a few notches on the tape measure shy of her goal. The added inches she had kept around her middle and it had stubbornly stayed there for about a year. She...
Turn your Mind into an Alarm Clock
When I first began doing research, years ago, into the workings of the inner mind, I learned that a famous hypnotist, Harry Aarons, wrote a booklet called “How to Develop an Alarm Clock Mind”. It was put out by “Power Publishers” and had a copyright date of 1948 on...
Unique Business Opportunity for Productivity Issues
Do you have someone in your office who used to be great, but now is not performing well? With the onset of Covid 19, productivity issues are at an all time high. Low performance is most evident when people are taking breaks too frequently, failing to meet deadlines,...